Monday, December 31, 2012

A Year from Now

          Where will you be a year from now?
          Where would you most like to be?

          There is so much you have learned and
          Experienced on your journey to this day.
          Imagine what you can now do with it all.

          This new year is a grand opportunity,
          Filled with promises and possibilities.
          Choose now the very best of those possibilities,
          And know that you have the power to bring them to life.

          You will spend this coming year moving in one direction or another.
          Commit now to making that direction the one
          That will take you towards what you sincerely desire.

          Life in each moment is influenced by your presence and participation.
          As this New Year unfolds, continue to make
          That influence a positive and fulfilling one.

          Consider today where you would like to be a year from now.
          For now is the beginning of the year in which you can truly make it happen.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Vibration of Light

                        The universe is a vibration of the light.
                        All sounds, gases, liquids, solids,
                        All the living things are the vibration of light
                        Expressed in waves of different lengths.

                        Our thoughts, our dreams, our visions,
                        Our memory, our emotions –
                        All these are the vibration of light.

                        In the journey of light, if we are not dreaming,
                        If we are not seeing any visions, if we remember nothing,
                        If we have no thoughts, if we are beyond the emotions –
                        It means that we are entering into the zones of extreme light.

Friday, December 28, 2012


                               The more intelligent you are,
                               The more uncertain you are.

                               The more intelligent you are,
                               The more hesitant you are.

                               Because life is vast, immense.
                               Life is immeasurable, mysterious.
                               How can you be certain?

                               Living in uncertainty, living in insecurity is simplicity.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

It is Life …

                    We are often let down by the most trusted person
                    And loved by the most unexpected ones …

                    Some make us cry for things that we haven’t done,
                    While some other ignore all our faults just to see our smile …

                    Some leave us when we need them the most
                    And some stick around to us even when we ask them to leave …

                    World is a mixture of such people …
                    We just need to know,
                    Which hand to shake and which hand to hold!
                    After all it is life …

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Accepting Life

               One has to accept life with all its problems.
               One has to go through life unprotected;
               One has to seek and search one’s way.

               Life is an opportunity, a challenge, to find yourself.

               Be a light unto yourself
               And you will go on finding all the treasures of life – which were yours.

               It needs a challenging life, an adventurous life
               A life that knows how to risk and how to go into the unknown,
               For intelligence to arise.

               And only intelligence can save you – nobody else.
               Your own intelligence, your own awareness,
               Can become your nirvaana.