Friday, November 30, 2012

Meditation and Prayer

                               Maturity comes through meditation,
                               Joy comes through prayer.

                               Centering comes through meditation,
                               Dancing comes through prayer.

                               A man is really blessed
                               Who can remain centered and yet in a dace,
                               Who can become the center of the cyclone.

                               Be meditative, be prayful.
                               Through meditation create emptiness
                               And through prayer create love to fill it,
                               So the emptiness becomes an overflowing love.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fight, Fight and Fight

               Fight against the anger and not to provoke it.

               Welcome your opposition and let it do whatever it wants.
               And attack nobody.

               Let the opposition see your opposition.
               And let the opposition not take your self-respect.

               Fight, fight and fight through bearing all kinds of pains
               So that your opposition itself can see its injustice.

               Also don’t fight, but make your surrounds fight for you.

               Be silent. And let your surrounds become alert of your silence.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Future

                        The future will never confirm to your expectations,
                        Because the future is immense
                        And your hopes and desires are petty and trivial.

                        The immense, the infinite cannot be controlled
                        And manipulated by the trivial.

                        A drop cannot decide the course of a river,
                        The river goes on its own way
                        Irrespective of what the drop wants.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


                        Someone puts a question to you.
                        What is important is how you receive it,
                        And not how you react to it.

                        You listen very carefully.

                        If you are actually listening,
                        There is no movement in the brain at all.

                        When somebody says something to you,
                        Listen to him without whether he is right or wrong;
                        Not putting up barriers; the thing goes.
                        Something happens.

                        That is the only action which is inaction.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Be Alive!

                       Be alive!
                       You are grown, the world has changed.
                       The river of your life is flowing into new territory.

                       Yesterday’s experience should not become your definition forever.

                       You should be able to go on moving with time.