Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Be soft

                                   Be soft.
                                   Do not let the world make you hard.
                                   Do not let the pain make you hate.
                                   Do not let the bitterness steal you sweetness.

                                   Take pride that even though
                                   The rest of the world may disagree,
                                   You still believe it to be a beautiful place.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Your children

                               Your children are not your children,
                               They are the sons and daughters
                               Of Life’s longing for itself.

                               They come through you but not from you.
                               And though they are with you
                               They belong not to you.

                               You may give them your love
                               But not your thoughts.
                               For they have their own thoughts.

                               You may house their bodies
                               But not their souls.
                               For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
                               Which you cannot visit,
                               Not even in your dreams …

                                                              -- Khalil Gibran

Sunday, February 17, 2013

You are to live

                                               The whole has created you to live.
                                               To live here as profoundly as possible.
                                               To live as dangerously as possible.

                                               The whole wanted you to be so alive,
                                               Alive at the peak – wildly alive –
                                               That’s why you are sent here.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Not Buddha, but Shiva

                            The final stage of a human being is not the sage,
                            Not Buddha, but Shiva – Nataraj.

                            Buddha has gone very deep,
                            But the outer is missing, denied.

                            Shiva contains all, contains all contradictions –
                            Contains the whole of God choicelessly.
                            He lives in the innermost core of the shrine
                            And dances on the outer walls too.

                            Life is a dance.
                            You have to participate in it.
                            And the more silent you become,
                            The deeper your participation.

                            Never withdraw from life.
                            Never renounce life,
                            Because in renouncing life
                            You will be renouncing God Himself.

                            Be true to life,
                            Be committed to life.
                            Be utterly for life.