Thursday, January 31, 2013


                              Beauty is like a slowly flowing river.

                              You cannot do anything against existence.

                              Nonviolence is the reverence for existence.
                              Nonviolence is simply a part of it.

                              The more you find yourself,
                              The more you will find yourself responsible for
                              Many things you have never cared about before.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

You can do

                         There is something you can do.

                         There is always something you can do,
                         And it always beats complaining
                         Or worrying about those things you cannot do.

                         Do what you can, when you,
                         Where you are, with what you have.

                         You will find that it can make an enormous difference.

Monday, January 28, 2013

You are alone

                Realise the truth that you are alone.
                You are given an existence,
                Now you have to create meaning out of it.

                Only very strong men can stand alone.

                Your life has a meaning.
                But that meaning will have to be discovered by your own effort.

                Whatsoever you do will go on revealing you.

                Every act will make your life, your existence
                More and more meaningful.

                To realise that one is alone in a cold universe,
                It is a tremendous responsibility.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Revolution invisible

              Create a revolution in yourself and remain invisible.
              And that source energy goes on doing miracles.

              Whatsoever you do – if you are doing it at all – do it totally.
              If you don’t want to do it at all, then don’t do it totally.

              A man of Samyama, cannot hide himself.
              He tries. He cannot hide himself,
              Because the winds will continuously carry his fragrance.

              He can go to a cave in the mountains and sit there,
              And people will start coming to him there.
              Somehow, in some unknown way, those who are grown,
              Those who are intelligent, they will find him.
              He need not seek them, they will seek him.

              This is your life. It is a journey. It is alone.
              You have to start the journey yourself.
              You have to trust yourself.
              You have to become confident on yourself.

              Be a man of truth.
              Live an authentic life.

Friday, January 25, 2013

The seeking

                     Every moment He is seeking you
                     As much as you are seeking Him.
                     You may not be seeking Him consciously.

                     You may be seeking Him under different names.
                     You may be seeking Him as bliss.
                     You may be seeking His happiness, as joy.
                     You may be seeking Him as forgetfulness, as absorption.

                     You may be seeking Him as music, as love.
                     You may be seeking Him in different ways.

                     Those names do not matter,
                     You are seeking Him – knowingly, unknowingly.

                     And He is also seeking you.