Thursday, April 11, 2013

Feel the truth

                  In every moment, in every circumstance,
                  There is a new truth to be discovered.
                  Life is rich for possibilities of deeper,
                  More profound understanding.

                  You are at the same time, all-encompassing essence
                  And also a particular momentary expression of that essence.
                  You live in this moment and you live beyond it.

                  Discovering truth is a matter of confirming in experience
                  What you already know in your essence.
                  The way you know it is truth is because it resonates so perfectly
                  Within the depth of who you are.

                  Truth is not something you must be told.
                  Truth is truth because you recognize it so completely.

                  Living successfully in this moment and in this world
                  Is a matter of connecting your outer life to your inner truth.
                  The most effective, fulfilling choice in any situation
                  Is to live the truth of who you are.

                  In pure truth there is no fear, no worry, no anxiety or anger.
                  Feel the truth that is within you, and let it guide your every choice.

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