Friday, September 7, 2012

A Quite Mind

                           A quite mind, but very alert, watchful, is a blessing.
                           It is like the earth, rich with immense possibilities.

                           When there is such a mind, not comparing, not condemning,
                           Then only it is possible for the immeasurable richness to be.

                           Be very strong inwardly.
                           Be firm and clear. Be complete.

                           The mind can be still only through the action of will.

                           A subtle mind is a slow, hesitant mind, not merely a sharp mind.
                           It is not a mind that concludes, judges or formulates.
                           This subtlety is essential.
                           It must know to listen and to wait.

                           Very few are aware of their inward changes,
                           Setbacks, conflicts and distortions.

                           What is important is what we have in our hearts;
                           And since that is overflowing,
                           We have everything and we are everything.

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