Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ambiguity of Life

The ultimate ambiguity that each of us expresses
Is not that we can both be good and bad, loving and unloving,
But we are spirit and flesh at the same time.

Nothing could be more ambiguous than this, or more alluring.

To be authentic, you have to be everything that you are, omitting nothing.
Within everyone there is light and shadow, good and evil, love and hate.
The play of these opposites is what constantly moves life forward;
The river of life expresses itself in all its changes from one opposite to another.

If you can truly embrace these opposites within yourself, you will be authentic,
And as your self-acceptance expands until there is nothing to be ashamed of,
Nothing to hide, your life will take on the generosity and warmth
That marks every great lover.

Extraordinary circumstances produce extraordinary qualities
And blessed with such qualities a woman never remains ordinary.

Complexity of Character: a union of opposites...
Serious and playful; tough and gentle;
Logical and intuitive; hardworking and lazy;
Shy and aggressive, introspective and outgoing.

Sensitive, compassionate, lively, intelligent, bold, religious,
Funny, focused, thoughtful, poetic, loving to the hilt, and so much more...

All DESIRABLE things in life are either: illegal, banned,
Fattening, expensive, OR MARRIED TO SOMEONE ELSE!!

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