Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Life Space

               In the measureless space the earth and all things have their existence.
               Space becomes inexhaustible.
               There must be the space for beauty and compassion.

               Everything must have space, the living and the dead.
               When there is no space, there is no death.

               Sound needs space.
               The sound of a word needs space;
               The word makes its own space, rightly pronounced.
               The sound of a word not only makes space; it needs to be heard.

               Things can only survive, when they have space;
               Without space all things wither.

               Things create space they need.
               The continuous existence of time, movement
               And the interval between two movements of thought is space.

               All things need space.

               Where there is no space, outwardly and inwardly,
               Every form of mischief and degeneration is inevitable.

               The goals don’t give you space, for theirs is yours.
               This vast, measureless space lies outside the measure of thought.

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